This is an image I created on Photoshop. The goal of the assignment was to take a word and try to define it with an image. As you can see, my word was Living. Behind the word is a photo of someone taking a picture of a sunset on their phone. The idea is that a lot of us live too much of our lives behind our various screens. When we take photos of the sunset we are posting them for others to enjoy, but as the ones seeing it in person we aren't fully present and enjoying it ourselves. The message I went for was, is living behind our screens really living?

This image is a flyer I made as part of an advocacy project I created. The idea was to form an anonymous safe space for survivors of sexual violence. I incorporated different colors that had meaning to the cause and additionally focused on word choice and structure. I wanted the image to draw people in yet be straight to the point.

These two images are examples I created from a social media campaign I worked on. Bird scooters were all over campus last year, but over time started getting removed as students weren't using them safely. Our idea was to create this campaign, which appealed to our college-aged audience as well as being informational.